Credit to the Japan Times

Will the Mighty America Fall for the Failure of a Few.

Wordeee/Hue-Man Bookstore


Americans have a way of distorting things. And they are adept at keeping their heads in the sand, hoping things will work themselves out. With a lack of internal discipline and self-management and at the intersection of irresponsible technologists, I am watching the collapse of the Mighty America from afar. Pretending that vapidity is welcomed and exciting (think Kardashians, Trump, Epstein, and the list goes on, and debauchery, Hollywood, Wall Street Robber Barons is to be revered, its lost sight of what makes a society healthy and sane. So, if you feel like you are living in a cauldron filled with borderline personalities in power, you are. And it makes for a very edgy world. Yes, indeed, one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch. It’s time to be vigilant with the right-wing for the right reasons.

America is at an intersecting point…it can live up to its fullest promise of being a mighty nation, or it can go the way of other hubristic nations into the forgotten pile of “once it was a great country.”

Why is America great? One simple answer. Diversity. Diversity of thought and vision. America is an amalgamation of the best of what the world has to offer through its diversity. The Black giants of Slavery brought the ultimate economic progress because they were erudite and exposed. The Jews brought financial acumen, the Germans’ physical and vocational education, and the Russians brought dance and music. The French brought fashion, literature, art, cuisine, manners, and culture, and the Italians worked to build American factories and infrastructure such as roads, dams, and tunnels. Asians brought the railways, entrepreneurship, and of course, Chinese food and a work ethic second to none. The indefatigable Caribbean and African people brought many firsts, never give up attitudes and ‘serious attitude.’ Remember Guess Who is Coming to Dinner? Attitudes like taking over Brooklyn, New York, and Miami through ownership…much like the Asians took over Vancouver, Canada. And the British, oh the dear British brought language and law and an attempt at establishing an American culture…which failed. Later, the Mexican people became a bedrock of economic flow.

All this is to say…there is no America without the immigration of all these people. Of all these people, the African/Black/African-Americans have been here the longest. Since the 1600s, they have been making and maintaining the foundation from which all Americans benefited. So why kill the goose that laid the golden egg?

The truth is simple. If of all the people available, only the Africans had the stamina to build world economies, survive being chattel, and continue to rise in the face of the heinous crimes against their humanity; something about these people scared the ‘White Race.’ And as such White Supremacy was born out of fear of inferiority. White Supremacy is not something to be proud of. It was attained through hate, fear, pillaging, plundering, and deceit. Though the whitewashing of world history and it’s time for the ill-gotten gains to be equalized.

The browning of America frightens marginal white folks. These are the very same folks who never took advantage of the amazing opportunity America offered. Why? Because, after all, they are white and privileged. So, while they were sitting on their floral sofa with pizza, beer, coke, and maybe oxycontin for dessert, watching Black excellence on T.V., they had an epiphany — a wake-up call. With people Tiger Woods, Serena, and Venus Williams, Michael Jordan, Viola Davis, Usain Bolt, Dr. Keith Black, at one time, Ben Carson, and the incomparable Barack Obama, they once again realize the prowess of ‘these’ people. For Chrissakes, when they win, it’s not by a little, it by lengths of yards and miles they themselves could never imagine existed…they know they can’t compete. So they imagined that while they slept those unrelenting people; how dare they, were toiling upward in the night.

Freed “only since the 1960s, Black progress has been enormous. It has created a knee-jerk reaction for those who have failed and those used to plunder with nary a skill of getting things on their own. And since these two factions make up 30% of America today, the revolutionary war they intend to engage in has to be neutered…yes, like we neuter overzealous and rabid dogs.

America has all the tools at its disposal like no other country in the world to truly be the greatest nation the world has ever seen, not just financially but in every way. To realize the full promise of our greatness is simple. Balance the equation. I just had the privilege of reading a book that will be out in September that has all the answers to what ails our country…The NarrowRoad by Dr. Pamela C.V. Jolly is eye-opening. It’s a must-read for all looking for the change they need inside and out. As she said, we are wandering in the wilderness of stupidity when only three miles away is the true Promised Land. I am sure we will get there. I am sure the failed radicals will do what they do best…FAIL.

