Is The Why More Important Than The Words On The Page. Tell the Story Already!

Wordeee/Hue-Man Bookstore
2 min readJun 7, 2019

I have the pleasure of reading. Many stories. I have seen perfect word choices, impeccable punctuation, stellar grammar and really clever twists and turns in stories that go nowhere. Why? My one-word answer is, PLOT.

As a publisher, I get to see the potential of many of the great stories that have been submitted, yet, they never see the light of day because their plots are weak. A great plot is the immortal spirit of your story. The why. The raison d’être. As a fiction writer, the moment you put pen to paper to create the five elements of plot and conflict: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action to resolution, you must eat, breathe and sleep your central plot. A great plot will guide the story decisions you make, help you develop unforgettable characters, manage your pacing and deliver the page turner your reader expects. In fact, it is the only way to keep your readers engaged. Great stories die or live by their plots and without a plot, you essentially have no story, no why and no readers. There are, depending on who you ask, anywhere from four, up to twelve global plot themes. Decide which you will be writing about and stick to it: Quest, Rags to Riches, Tragedy, Rebirth, Failure, Overcoming the Monster (internal and external), etc. There are myriad books and even YouTube lectures to help you learn more about plot. If you are a mature writer with great skills and just need a little help work with a trusted editor, there could be magic in your hills…I mean words.

So great writers to be…beautiful words on a page will be more appreciated when the plot of the story delivers what it promises.

