Is it Time to Reconsider Term Limits for Career Politicians.

Wordeee/Hue-Man Bookstore
2 min readAug 2, 2019

Back in the days of honest politicians there were plenty of valid arguments against mandatory term restrictions for members of the House and Senate. Back in those days too, elected officials really cared about the concerns of their constituents. The world has radically changed and since the fourth arm of government entered the picture, Lobbyist of conglomerates, and toppled our balance of power the three branches of government provided, the kinds of power that can be amassed by career politicians can turned them against the very citizens who voted them into office.

Such is the nature of power and greed as we have seen throughout history for which there is no shortage of examples, that power corrupts and absolute power corrupt absolutely. From Pharaoh, to Caesar, Hitler, to the right wind totalitarianism now rising in America. This all comes from the kinds of deal making politicians engage in today to profit from their power. We have seen them that sell citizens down the drain without as much as blinking; from lead infused water, allowing the poisoning of our food supply chain, negligent health care because big insurance like selling premiums, overmedication of citizens by big pharma, rising pedophilia of the power elites who can never be satiated, and all this because of the Benjamins. Imagine a House and Senate politician makes $174,000 per year who can get close to owning their own private plane or island, by spending all their time posturing and raising funds to continue to oppress the people they serve. These benefits come at too high a cost to humanity.

Term limit is the least common denominator solution for greedy, power infected politicians. You know in math class when you want to problem solve you reduce the equation to its least common denominator. It’s simple common sense really. I have seen common sense do wonders around the world. In France there are no bank robberies…why because once you enter the bank you can’t get out until the teller presses a release button. In America, bank robberies cause havoc and loss of many lives almost daily because our fire laws prevent such a simple solution from being implemented. Look around the world of happy people, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, the Netherlands, New Zealand…inevitable they have employed the least common denominator principles of life…put humanity first and everything will flow in harmony from there on.

If we can’t get it voluntarily, imposing term limits of career politicians can go a long way in curing the ills that plague “the greatest country on earth.” Right?

